Hi Everyone!
The recent FMCA Rally at Scusset Beach on the Cape Cod Canal was attended by 37 motorhomes from over 5 FMCA Chapters. The Metropolitan Chapter had 5 members in attendance.
The weather was fantastic. The Breakfasts, Barbeques and Ice Cream Social were great! The people were terrific. A really good time was had by all. Try to mark your calendars for next year to attend this fantastic get-together.
We are planning our next get-together at the FMCA Northeast Area Rally (NEAR) in Syracuse, NY.
A group will be going in a day early on the 23rd of July and we plan to park together and schedule some barbeques and dinners out on the town while there. Please let us know if you are going to attend so we can include you in our planning as well. Hope to see you there!