Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Image result for thanksgiving pictures

Wishing all our Members a Safe, Happy and Joyous Thanksgiving Holiday!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Message from NE Area VP Dave Ellis

Message from NE Area VP Dave Ellis

Good Day everybody, there is a lot going on behind the scenes this winter. Here we go, 1st is the National Convention to be held in Springfield, MA at the Big E, and the NEA area officers are tasked with recruiting volunteers for this event which is to be held in Aug 3-7 2016.

We are in need of approx. 500 volunteers for assistance, so if you can find the time to help us please contact myself or Mr. Bob Mills, who is the volunteer captain, his email is fourwindsbob@gmail.com. He will let you know where he needs help

I have been tasked with early security for this event and am in need of approx. 20 volunteers for 2 days of work.  We will be security for the vendors and display coaches and will be checking their badges at the entrance while they set up etc.  If you are able to help please let me know and I will pass this on to Bob, we are to arrive July 31 and will have meeting as to our areas we need to cover and what’s involved. The meeting will be in the afternoon on the 31st. It is also important that we need to fill out the reservation form as soon as they’re out there to send to National.

Our hours will be 8 hour shift and as early as 7am to 7pm so the more people we have the easier it will be for us all to do our jobs to the best that we can. We can break down the times as necessary. If you don’t send in the forms ASAP there is a chance you will be parked in the satellite areas which I’m not sure there locations.  I’m sure our people will be doing their best to send in their forms as soon as you can and note that you are a volunteer.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Holiday Party Reminder

A Reminder to Please notify Jim if you plan on attending.  We need a head count for the restaurant.
Jfk31447@aol.com    please email  or call  914-525-0616  if coming by Nov 15th

Reservations must be paid by November 25, 2015
Notify Jim Kelly if you are coming by November 15, 2015 by phone or email

payable to: Metropolitan / FMCA

$40.00 per Person

 Please feel free to bring a guest