Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Metropolitan FMCA Newsletter
March 2016
41st Anniversary Year

President’s Message

Presidents Message 2016
      Hello fellow RV Members,

     As spring approaches we are excited for the upcoming 2016 calendar of events. As we all recover from the long winter, there is much anticipation in visiting all our RV friends. Our first rally for the season will be hosted by Carol and myself, which will be located at Croton Point Park in upcoming May. One of the exhilarating events we have planned is, the FMCA national rally this year taking place in the North East region of the US and held in Massachusetts. This year we will be celebrating a 94threunion for the FMCA.

       To make all these events successful, we ask if anyone would be able to volunteer their time to host the upcoming rallies.  Mal Ford, is our current Wagon Master and is requesting ideas and suggestions for places to hold future Chapter FMCA Rallies, to create a successful and pleasurable season.  Any amount of time you may be willing to volunteer is truly valuable and extremely appreciated. 
          As a four term president Of the Metropolitan Chapter of the FMCA, I have had a wonderful time meeting all other members while sharing good time during enjoyable events. As much as I enjoyed my presidency this will be my last year as the president of the Metropolitan club. 
Thank you to all who assisted to creating a great eight years.
 Roger Whitford

Vice President’s and Wagonmaster’s Message:

Hi fellow Metro Members.  It’s our 41st year as an FMCA Chapter!  Let’s celebrate and get together for our May Campout in Croton Point Park.  Roger and Carol have planned a fantastic campout for us to enjoy together.  So, please make an effort to come out and welcome Spring in Croton, NY!  A campout flyer is enclosed with this newsletter.

Remember that Metro Dues are still only $10.00 for the year.  We will be collecting dues at the May and June Rallies.  If you won’t be able to attend, send you dues in by mail.  A Chapter Application is enclosed for your mail in renewals
I have been trying to put together some interesting places for us to go, but as our President, Roger had stated, we need your help to suggest places and to assist in Hosting the campouts.  Our membership numbers are dwindling, so those of us, who still camp, need to step up and assist with campouts and step up as Chapter Officers.

As Roger stated, this year we are having an FMCA National Rally in our backyard (relatively speaking) in East Springfield, MA.  I have scheduled this as our August Rally and it would really be great to have a full turnout from Metro.  It would also be great if I could ask for Volunteers to help with Transportation at the Rally.  I am the Transportation Captain, so if you can volunteer a few hours, let me know and I’ll add you to our group.

Also, as Roger stated, this is his eighth year as our President.  I think we need to show him a really BIG Thank You from all of us for his leadership and guidance over these years! 

We also need to think of a replacement for him.  In addition, I am currently President of another FMCA Chapter and next year, Elsie and I plan on doing some traveling, so I must also step down from my Metro duties as Vice President and Wagonmaster after the 2016 season.  So we will need to vote to replace those roles for 2017.

Mal Ford

Mo’s Musings:

Hello from Mo

Mo Magliocchino

We just got home from two and a half months in Florida. This year George and Marisa Hicks joined us and we all had a very pleasant trip. Introduced them to some of our favorite places and we explored some new locations also. We really had great weather the majority of the time, which makes a vacation truly great and having friends traveling with us makes us feel a little more secure. Of course, we both had issues with our motor homes, my alternator stopped alternating, and George’s awning decided to go out in Virginia.

Kind of pricy this year however, which I attribute to cheaper gas prices which inspired every motor home in the north to head south. Once campgrounds get busy, sites get scarce, and prices go up. $$$

Now add to this the fact that my wife suddenly forgot how to cook, which leads to eating out more often. Are you getting the picture? $$$

And then we have all the quaint little shops that sell cute little things that we don’t need, or will ever use after they end up in the motor home. $$$

And then of course, the other driver of our car, decided to give our neighbors car a little kiss on its rear end! $$$

It’s Interesting to study life styles in different parts of the country. The pace is definitely slower in Florida. Perhaps we could take a few lessons from the locals and slow down and smell the roses.

One interesting observation about Florida is the condition of their roads and bridges. No pot holes smooth, well kept and maintained. It seems that they resurface roads long before they really need it, unlike NY who waits until there is a collection of hub caps around each pot hole before the spirit moves them to do something. Of course the absence of frost in the ground makes a big difference between our road conditions and theirs.

One last comment, our president and his wife, Roger and Carol will be stepping down this year. I would personally like to thank them for all they have done for our club. Also Mal and Elsie Ford will be stepping down. Four great people who have kept the club together for the past 6 years or so. Thank you again.

The down side to their leaving, is that we are now trying to sail a ship with no captain or crew unless some of you other members step up to the plate and take over. It would be a sad day when Metropolitan is left drifting without a rudder.

Our first rally will be Croton from May 20-22. We hope to see as many of you there as we used to in the good old days.  Mo

2015 Campout Schedule:

 May  20th – 22nd  Croton Point Campground 

June  10th – 12th           Brook n Wood

July 1st – 9th                  Cape Cod
Joint Rally with the Cape Codders
Must be a Cape Codders Member

Aug 3rd – 6th                  FMCA National Rally
                                                            East Springfield, MA

Sept 9th-11th             Rondout Valley Resort
                                                            Catskills, Accord, NY
                                                            Possible Joint Campout with another FMCA Chapter

Oct 7th -9th                    ????
                                                            Suggestions Please

2014 Chapter Officers

President - Roger Whitford, 17181 Minos Conaway Rd.,Lewes, DE 19958, Cell 917-886-4756 Delaware Home 302-703-6091

1st Vice President – Mal Ford, 150 Arrow Wood Place, Malta, NY 12020,, 914-924-7295

Secretary - Ted DiGilio, 107 Drisler Ave., White Plains, NY 10607,,  914-592-3859

Treasurer - Elaine DiGilio, 107 Drisler Ave., White Plains, NY 10607,

Wagonmaster – Mal Ford, 150 Arrow Wood Place, Malta, NY 12020,, 914-924-7295

National Director Bill Colbert 2993 Lexington Ave., Lake Mohegan, NY 10547  914-528-6148

Newsletter Editor –  Mal Ford, 150 Arrow Wood Place, Malta, NY 12020,, 914-924-7295

Sunshine Chairman - Carolann Brown, 212 Collabar Rd., Montgomery, NY 12549  845-361-4464

*If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the above. This is your chapter and we encourage you to communicate your wishes.