Tuesday, January 19, 2016

FMCA President's Message

January 14, 2016

Dear Governing Board Members,

Gloria and I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Biannual elections are being conducted for the National Vice President position in the Eastern, Great Lakes, International, Northwest, and Western areas. Successful candidates will serve on the Executive Board for a two-year term, and take office during the Annual Membership Meeting in West Springfield, Massachusetts, in August. A nomination form and details explaining the election process are included in this mailing for those in these areas.
Enclosed is a registration form for FMCA’s 93rd Family Reunion & Motorhome Showcase, which will be held March 17 through 20, 2016, at the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter in Perry, Georgia. Don’t miss out on an opportunity for fun and fellowship! Be sure to take advantage of the chance to enhance your family reunion experience by volunteering. Please contact Maxine Schremp, Volunteer Coordinator, at mschremp2002@yahoo.com to get scheduled.

FMCA’s International Area Rally will be held April 15-19, 2016, in Tallahassee, Florida. The dates and locations of these and other FMCA events are available in FMC magazine and on FMCA.com.

Also enclosed is a flier with information regarding Staples FMCA Supply Program, as well as an FMCAssist Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Program FAQ sheet. Additional details regarding these and other benefits can be found online under the Member Benefits tab on FMCA.com. Please share the news with your fellow FMCA members and also other motorhome owners you meet in your travels.

This mailing, as well as previous Governing Board mailings, can be found on the Governance website, www.governance.fmca.com.

Safe travels to all. Remember, "It’s all about having fun!"

Charlie Adcock, F311374

National President