Friday, November 11, 2016


In the October Issue of Family Motorhoming Magazine a Ballot was enclosed to ask members to vote on a change to the Organization.  The FMCA Website has offered the enclosed comments on exactly what they would do for the membership.  Specifically, it gives FMCA the ability to create another organization to attract towables and younger RV'ers.
If this is something you would like to see, we urge you to send in the Ballot indicating yes!

Several members have asked for details regarding the current ballot related to amending FMCA’s Articles of Incorporation. Following are several questions and responses intended to clarify.
What does the association want to do that it cannot do within the current Articles of Incorporation? In other words, what prompted the decision to place this issue before the membership for a vote?
Discussions have surfaced for a number of years now regarding how FMCA can attract young families. The reality is that many young families do not travel by motorhome. This is true in large part because they are still employed full-time and thus have limited time to use a recreation vehicle, and they may also have limited discretionary income. So, for many younger families, a towable RV that can be pulled by a pickup truck or an SUV that can be used on a daily basis is their choice.
Recent studies indicate that millennials are joining the RV lifestyle. Sales statistics show that since the economic recovery, towable RVs are far outselling motorhomes.
In order to accommodate younger RVers and possibly to serve as a feeder organization for FMCA, the idea has been floated of starting a sister organization that would welcome owners of towable RVs. Many members have offered this suggestion — some because they have children and grandchildren, or close friends, with towable RVs — and FMCA’s marketing consultants have asked about this concept as well.
What will happen to FMCA? I like being part of an organization that focuses on my interests as a motorhome owner.
FMCA is the world’s largest motorhome owners organization, and the plan is to maintain that niche. FMCA would remain as it is, an association for motorhome owners. The new organization would be a separate entity.
Who will make the ultimate decision about starting another corporation
Nothing would be done without the advice and consent of FMCA’s Governing Board, and no business plan has been created to date. However, we learned from FMCA’s attorney that in order to fully explore this idea, FMCA’s Articles of Incorporation should be amended. He noted that organizations ordinarily state their primary business purpose in their Articles of Incorporation but also include a general purpose clause that allows the corporation the flexibility to engage in any lawful activity. For whatever reason, FMCA’s Articles of Incorporation, drafted in 1971, have no such general purpose clause, which limits FMCA in terms of its activities.
So, during its meeting in Massachusetts, FMCA’s Governing Board voted to move forward with the process of amending FMCA’s Articles of Incorporation to make them as broad as possible. The amendment language on the ballot is that suggested by FMCA’s attorney.
What are the next steps if this change to the Articles of Incorporation passes?
If the change to the Articles of Incorporation is approved by the membership, the next step would be to make a change to the purpose statement in FMCA’s Bylaws. FMCA’s Bylaws Committee would draft this suggested amendment, and it would be voted on by FMCA’s Governing Board during its meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, next July. FMCA’s Long-Range Planning Committee also would begin working on considerations related to a sister organization for FMCA. And the hope is that a basic plan could be shared with the Governing Board in Indianapolis as well.
Even if the Governing Board decides not to move forward with forming a sister corporation, this change to the Articles of Incorporation would allow FMCA more flexibility in today’s fast-paced world to adapt to changing needs and expectations over time.


Instructions: Printed in this issue of the magazine is the addition to the current purpose statement in the Family Motor Coach Association Articles of Incorporation. This is the return ballot. You may vote for ONE (1). Mark your ballot by placing an “X” in the box, remove the ballot, and mail to:


Full Members, Full Lifetime Members, Life Members, or Honorary Members who have advanced from one of these classes are entitled to cast a vote. One vote per FMCA member number.

oYES      oNO


CITY AND STATE/PROVINCE OF MEMBER (Print)                                                              Signature


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2016 Holiday Christmas Party

Metropolitan Chapter
Holiday Party

Sunday, December 11, 2016
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Casa Rina Restaurant
of Thornwood
886 Commerce Street
Thornwood, NY

We would like to exchange gifts, so if interested, please bring something to share ($10 maximum)
50/50 Raffle


Appetizers: Cheese and Crudites, Cold Antipasto, Swedish Meatballs, and BBQ Wings
Entrees: London Broil, Chicken Marsala, Penne Vodka, Sole Oreganate, and Salad
Sides: Oven Roasted potatoes, Mixed Vegetables
Desserts: Italian Pastries
Beverages: Diet and Regular Soda
Cash Bar

Reservations must be paid by November 25, 2016
payable to: Metropolitan / FMCA
$40.00 per Person
We hope to see you there
$40.00 per person Must be received by November 25, 2016
Name ___________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________ # Attending __________
$40.00 X # attending = $______________

Please send check made out to Metropolitan FMCA to:

Jim Kelly
56 Stuart Rd.
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 please email if coming

Friday, September 23, 2016

2016 FMCA Family Reunion in West Springfield, MA

Aerial View of the almost 1,100 Motor Homes at the August 2016 FMCA National Rally

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Former Metropolitan member has passed away

Dear Friends,

With sadness I share with you that Ed Gomez, Sr. died last night in Florida surrounded by his family. Please keep his wife, Donna and their children and grandchildren in prayer. 
Ed and Donna are former members of Asbury. Their daughter, Laurie Weisz is active in the congregation along with her husband Robert and their sons, Trevor and Mitchell.
We will host a memorial service at Asbury on Saturday, September 17 at 10:00am. 

Pastor Melissa
Asbury United Methodist Church, 15-17 Old Post Road South, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520

Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 30, 2016 LoHud Newspaper Article

This Sunday, the local Westchester, Putnam and Rockland Newspaper will have an article on RVing that was inspired through the persistence of our own Mo and Pat Magliocchino.  Several years ago, Mo contacted the paper with the idea that an article on local people involved in motor homing would be of interest.
For those of us unable to get the paper, the reporter was kind enough to furnish an electronic version for us.

copy this link and past it into your search

Thank you Mo and Pat.  It looks like an excellent article and hopefully people interested will contact us regarding our Club.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

West Springfield Reminder

Final Reminders for MA and What's Happening in the NEA After National

 Reminders Regarding West Springfield MA
  • Our NEA Annual Business Meeting – Saturday, August 6, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Mallory Building, Seminar #3
EVERYONE is ENCOURAGED to attend, although voting members are asked to arrive early to allow enough time for check in.  This is an important meeting as we will be discussing the 2017 Area Rally and voting will take place for 5 Executive Board positions that are open for re-election for a 2 year term.  All positions are running unopposed at this time but nominations from the floor will be accepted.
Each chapter is allowed 2 voting members. The National Director and the Chapter President from each Chapter (in the absence of the National Director the Alternate National Director will act as the National Director) have voting rights at the Annual Meeting.  If your Chapter is going to be represented by a Temporary Delegate a written notice must be given to the NEA Secretary, Donna Merlino by end of day Thurs., August 4 with the name(s) of your Temporary Delegate(s) that will be attending the Annual Meeting to be held on Sat., August 6.  This written notice must be signed by the Chapter’s President to be valid.  Although, Donna would appreciate notice be given sooner rather than later by contacting her via email: or by phone at (h) 607-627-7009 (her cell phone:  607-316-3784 after July 30)
  • It’s not too late to register for the West Springfield:  After July 22, 2016, registrations will be taken only on site. Until then call the Home Office at 800-543-3622 to register for the Rally.  The Holding Area and Will Call in West Springfield will open on Sunday, July 31 2016, at 8 a.m.
  • Volunteers are still needed: If you want to help out please contact Bob Mills, VP NEA, at or call him at 613-525-9970.  We would really appreciate any time you can give

  • Your NEA Executive Board doesn’t disappear after the Rally.  We will be working on the 2017 NE Area Rally that will be held at the NYS Fairgrounds in Syracuse NY, August 3-6.  The Executive Board has planned a site visit in September to meet with the Fairgrounds Management, tour the grounds and get a first look at some of the upgrades that have been completed.  There are a great deal more upgrades planned for completion before we arrive next August.  We will keep you updated via the website and on the NEA Blog.  Put this date on your calender now so you don't forget.  Invite your friends with towables as they are always welcome and we don't charge extra if you are a towable.
    These are just a few of the Chapter Rallies being held in the Northeast Area the next couple of months.  If you are looking for a rally to attend check these out.
  • Aug., 12-14                PEN-NY Mixers                 Corn Fest, Avon NY             contact: 607-898-4626
    Sept.,15-18                Northeast Pacers               Lake Champagne CG          contact:  518-424-3812 
                                                                                  Randolph Center, VT
    Sept. 30-Oct. 2          Empire State                      Warrensburg, NY                 contact: 914-924-7295
    Oct. 7-10                   Northeast Pacers                Gunstock CG                       contact: 518-424-3812
                                                                                  Gunstock NH             

  • The Susquenango Chapter would like to invite everyone to their "36TH ANNUAL SUSQUENANGO LABOR DAY INVITATIONAL – AMERICAN BANDSTAND”  
  •      September 1-4, 2016 to be held at General Clinton Park, Bainbridge NY
  • All Sites include electric, 15 amp (25 amp & 50 amp available for an additional fee)
  • 4 Nights Camping                                          Free Coffee & Donuts – Sat & Mon.
  • 3 Nights Entertainment - Fri./Sat./Sun         Free Hot Breakfast – Sun.
  • Bingo, Seminars, Quilt Class                          Old-Fashion Ice Cream Social – Sat.
  • Chicken Barbeque on Sun.                           Food Shack – Thurs-Sat.
  • Free Popcorn @ Entertainment                      Antique/Classic Car Drive In – Sat.
  • $5 Breakfast – Fri.                                          Door Prizes
    • Early Arrivals & Towables are always welcome
For those of you that enjoy quilting or want to learn how to quilt we have a quilt class scheduled for Friday, Sept. 2 at 1:00 p.m.  So bring your sewing machine, notions, fabric, and etc…  You will find a photo of the project and pre-planning list for the class below.   There is no cost for this quilt class.  So come have fun with your fellow quilters; work on the class project or bring your own un-finished item to work on and share with the group.

Materials Needed:
1/2 yard of main color (this will be the border and backing)
1 fat quarter of accent color (this will be the holders for photos)
Light weight batting 12x21 inches

1.  Cut from the main color:  1 @ 12" x 21"; 2 @ 21" x 2"; 4 @ 2" x 6 3/4"
     Binding - 2 @ 42" x 2 1/2" (this is for binding & dowel casing)
     Cut from secondary color:  3 @ 4 3/4" x 6 3/4";  12 @ 2" x 2"
2.  Press the 2" squares in half diagonally, wrong sides together

>>Everyone departs on Monday, Sept. 5 after Coffee & Donuts; everyday is filled with fun, laughter, and friendship
 Click on the following link to obtain a copy of our “Labor Day Invitational – American Bandstand” registration form.
or you can check out the attachment to this email.  You can also call the Rally Master - Donnie O @ 813-767-3251


Those are just some of the Chapter Rallies being held in the Northeast Area this fall.  If your Chapter would like to add your Rally to the list, send me an email at and I will publish it in the next Email Newsletter.  It is a great way to bring new members to your chapter.
As always, if you have something you would like to announce to the Northeast Area this is the place to do it.  We can add it to the website –;  place it on the NEA BLOG or publish it in the next email newsletter.
Well, until next time I hope to see each & every one of you at The BIG E for FMCA’s 94th Family Reunion in West Springfield, MA.  Be sure to attend the Ice Cream Social, the amazing 3 nights of entertainment and of course the NEA Annual Business Meeting on Sat., Aug. 6, 3-5 p.m.  Those are some of the events taking place.  So come have a good time, meet some new RV friends and catch up with some old friends.

Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary
o/b/o The NEA Executive Board

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Message from NEA Executive Board

Please share this email with your chapter members ASAP.  It is vital that these emails be passed on to your chapters in a timely manner to let them know what is happening in your Area.   They also contain a great deal of information regarding the upcoming 94th Family Reunion being held in West Springfield MA – August 3-6, 2016. 
Thank you for your cooperation.
We were notified by home office on June 27 that Jim Smith, passed away at his home in New Port Richey, Florida.  Jim was our Northeast Area Vice President from 1987-1992.  He served on the FMCA Review Council 1985-1986 and again from 1992-1996, serving as Chairman in 1992.  He also served on the Membership/Member Services Committee from 1987-1992.
The NEA Executive Board sends their condolences to the Smith family at this time.  We also ask that all NEA Chapters and their members keep the Smith family in your thoughts and prayers.
Below are the dates/times & locations for the Area Caucuses and Area Gatherings to be held in MA.  Please try to attend if at all possible.  OUR ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS WILL TAKE PLACE AT OUR AREA GATHERING TO BE HELD ON SAT. AUGUST 6, 3:00 – 4:00 P.M., MALLORY BUILDING, SEMINAR ROOM #3.
Caucuses – Monday, August 1
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.              INTO Area – Seminar 8
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              NORTHEAST AREA – SEMINAR 3
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              Northwest Area – Seminar 4
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              Western Area – Seminar 6
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              Eastern Area – Seminar 8
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              Midwest Area – Seminar 9
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              Great Lakes Area – Seminar 10
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              South East Area – Seminar 11
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              South Central – Seminar 12
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              Rocky Mountain – Seminar 13
Area Gatherings – Saturday, August 6
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.              INTO Area – Seminar 8
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              South East Area – Seminar 1
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Great Lakes Area – Seminar 2
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              NORTHEAST AREA – SEMINAR 3 (ANNUAL MEETING)
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Northwest Area – Seminar 4
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Western Area – Seminar 6
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Eastern Area – Seminar 8
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Midwest Area – Seminar 9
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              South Central – Seminar 12
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.              Rocky Mountain – Seminar 13
The National Director and the Chapter President from each Chapter (in the absence of the National Director the Alternate National Director will act as the National Director) have voting rights at the Annual Meeting.  If your Chapter is going to be represented by a Temporary Delegate a written notice must be given to the NEA Secretary, Donna Merlino by end of day Thurs., August 4 with the name(s) of your Temporary Delegate(s) that will be attending the Annual Meeting to be held on Sat., August 6.  This written notice must be signed by the Chapter’s President to be valid.  Although, Donna would appreciate notice be given sooner rather than later by contacting her via email at or by phone at (h) 607-627-7009 or (c) 607-316-3784.
July 1, 2016
Dear Members of the Northeast Area:
The following is the report from the Northeast Area Nominating Committee:
These positions are open for re-election at the Annual Meeting, August 6, 2016 for a 2 year term:
All positions are running unopposed at this time but nominations from the floor will be accepted during the Annual Meeting.
  • Senior Vice President:   Lou Snow
  • Secretary:                      Donna Merlino
  • Treasurer:                      James Sennett
  • Vice President:               Don Osterhout
  • Vice President:               Harley Soulia
If you or someone you know is interested in one of the positions, please notify Tom Roule, Bob Mills or Harley Soulia by email or phone as soon as possible.
Elections will be held for the President/National Area Vice President position early in 2017.  Voting Delegates will be notified by mail through the National Home Office.
The following 2 positions will be open for re-election at the Annual Meeting at our Area Rally, August 2017 in Syracuse, NY:
Vice President:                                 David Ellis
Vice President:                                 John Traphagan
Nominating Committee:       
  • Tom Roule                   585-739-9074
  • Bob Mills                      813-395-3679
  • Harley Soulia               802-236-7881
If you or someone you know is interested in one of the positions, please notify Tom Roule, Bob Mills or Harley Soulia by email or phone as soon as possible.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Roule, Nominating Committee Chairman
For those of you that were members of the Chapter, Coaches for Christ (which became inactive recently), our new FMCA National Chaplain, Rev. Jim W. Hollis and his wife will be holding two inspiring Devotional gatherings and an Interdenominational Worship Celebration at West Springfield.
Time and place for these events are:
>>Thursday and Friday Devotional Gatherings - 5:00 p.m. - Seminar Room #10
>>Saturday Celebration of Worship (interdenominational) - 8:00 a.m. - Seminar Room #8
Rev. Hollis is hoping to launch a new FMCA Chapter of Coaches for Christ during this Rally together. Everyone is welcome.  They look forward to seeing you, your family and others in your group for these encouraging experiences!  So please support Rev. Hollis and his wife by joining them at one of these events.
This last fall and early spring our Area Vice President, Tom Ziobrowski and his wife Connie worked many hours at various different RV Shows throughout the Northeast promoting FMCA, the NEA and the 94th Reunion at West Springfield.  During those shows 100s of names were gathered for a free registration raffle for the BIG E.  The raffle concluded at the last RV Show that was held in Syracuse, NY at the NYS Fair Grounds in March.  We are happy to announce that the Raffle was awarded at Perry GA to:

Roger & Sue Caiazza
Liverpool, NY

Congratulations to Roger & Sue Caiazza!  Enjoy your free registration from the NEA Executive Board for the 94th Family Reunion at West Springfield, MA
That’s all I have for now.  As always, if you have something that you would like to pass on to the entire NEA this is the best way to accomplish that.  We can send an email on your behalf, post it to the NEA Blog and upload it to our website.  So, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have something you would like to forward on to the Northeast Area Membership.

Thank you again for supporting the Northeast Area and we will see you in West Springfield, MA.

Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary
o/b/o The NEA Executive Board

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Items for FMCA Convention Vote - Jean Pryor recognition

Congratulations to Jean Pryor on her recognition bestowed as shown below


1. To approve the renewal of the FMCAssist Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Program for 2016-2017. Funding methods for this program will be determined by the Governing Board, through the budget approval process.

2. To recommend to the Governing Board to bestow the Kenneth T. Scott Pipe Dreamer’s Award to Jean Pryor, L12913.

Upon recommendation of the Executive Board, the Governing Board may annually bestow one Kenneth T. Scott Pipe Dreamer’s Award to someone who has earned the gratitude of FMCA by some exceptionally worthy or beneficial service to FMCA or to family motor coach owners in general.
“Jean served on FMCA’s Executive Board for four years representing the Northeast Area. She also served on the following FMCA committees: the Constitution and Bylaws Committee as the Chairman for one year and member for five years; the FMCA Review Council for one year; the Membership/Member Services Committee for four years; and the Nominating Committee Chairman for one year and member of the committee for one year. She belongs to 10 FMCA chapters and is the President and National Director for one of them. She has been a very active member since joining the association in 1974, and has volunteered in many positions throughout the years. She has been awarded a pin for referring 125 new members, and a gold watch for referring 100 new members.”

3. To hold FMCA’s winter 2019 convention in Chandler or Tucson, Arizona, pending successful negotiations.

4. To hold FMCA’s summer 2019 convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, pending successful negotiations.

5. To hold FMCA’s winter 2020 convention in Perry, Georgia, pending successful negotiations.

6. To hold FMCA’s summer 2020 convention in Redmond, Oregon, pending successful negotiations.


1. To develop a door hanger card to be hand-distributed to potential new members that will include member benefit information, contact information and a $10 discounted join code offer. That the special join code used on the door hanger does not qualify the person issuing the door hanger for credit toward the 100-member watches or for referral credits. To add the words “member owned” to the door hangers, as well as other marketing materials.

2. To approve the 2016-2017 FMCA commercial insurance package.

3. To approve the revisions to the Risk Management Guide

4. To approve that each area will receive up to $2,000 for educational funds for seminars following the rally, pending submission of the proper paperwork.

5. That the Executive Board not take per diem when traveling by motorhome beginning April 1, for the remainder of this year and the 2017 fiscal year.

6. To select Sheldon Reder as the auditors for the 2016, 2017, and 2018 fiscal years.

7. To accept the use of the Blue Beacon Truck Washes Coupon, for a free all-surface protectant ($12 value) for FMCA members for a short trial period.

8. To set aside $55,000 for the purpose of education for FMCA’s 2017 fiscal year budget.

9. To bestow a Certificate of Appreciation to Darrell Gilliland, F153488.

10. To bestow the Robert L. Richter Award to John Calvo, F25500, member of the Long Islanders and Hudson Islanders chapters.

11. To approve the recommendation of Membership Corporation of America (MCA) to amplify FMCA’s membership marketing effort by extending our digital outreach. To accomplish this we join with RVillage as proposed and spend $250,000 to be displayed in their popular pages.

12. To secure outside emergency medical service at conventions only when adequate local or facility support is not available.

13. To eliminate overnight security guard service at the Information Center at conventions, and instead utilize an emergency cell phone or alternate phone to be answered by Security Member Staff or Convention Committee members.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Donna Gerner has passed away

Jerry Gerner just notified us that Donna has passed away.  May she Rest in Peace.
"I need to tell our family members and many friends (those who have not already been notified) that my friend, companion, lover and partner of 25 years, and my darling wife of 19 years, passed away, peacefully, on Saturday April 30, 2016. There are no words sufficient to describe the loss I feel, but for me, and for Donna's immediate family, a bright light has gone out in our lives. Rest peacefully my Love... this is not goodbye, only farewell until we are together again.
The following text will appear as an obituary in the local Williston, FL newspaper, and shortly in the local Ithaca, NY newspaper:
"Donna Rae Gerner passed away after a brief illness on April 30, 2016 at North Florida Regional Medical Center in Gainesville, FL. Born March 22, 1943 in Ithaca, NY, and previously of Poughkeepsie, NY, she resided in Williston, FL.
Donna was a graduate of Ithaca High School and made her career first as a “mom” and later, in addition, as an accounting and finance assistant, finally retiring in 2006. Donna was a true “native” of the Finger Lakes region of New York and loved the hills, the lakes, the gorges and the people… even the weather, of upstate NY. She was passionate about fabrics and fibers, and kept two sewing machines and many pairs of knitting and crocheting needles busy with multiple and concurrent projects. Donna loved birds (especially Chickadees) and bird-watching, country music, roses, reading, dancing and a good cup of tea. She was also a fan of Masterpiece Theater and all of Public Radio & TV – Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife and All Creatures Great & Small were three of her favorite programs.
Donna is survived by her husband Jerry Gerner of Williston, FL; daughters Rebecca Sinn, nee Marvin, of Waterloo, NY and Deanna (David) Culver, nee Marvin, of Vero Beach, FL; step-sons Joshua Gerner of Ithaca, NY and Nicholas (Susan) Gerner of Seattle, WA; sisters Katherine Marvin of Moravia, NY and Linda Carlisle of Newfield, NY; brothers & sisters-in-law Gene & Sandy Gerner of Tucson, AZ, Donna & Don Damrow of Juneau, WI, Phyllis & Pat Agnew of Oconomowoc, WI and Jeff & Monica Gerner of Fort Atkinson, WI; grandsons Nikolas Sinn of Waterloo, NY and Corey Sinn of Austin, TX; great-granddaughter (and namesake) Lexi Rae Woodard of Romulus, NY; many nieces, nephews and other extended family members, and many, many friends and acquaintances in Ithaca, Poughkeepsie, Williston and wherever she traveled as an RV’er. She was preceded in death by her beloved son William Vincent (Chip) Marvin, her parents David & Grace (nee Griffin) Henderson, a sister and brother-in-law Beverly and Roger Brown, and brothers-in-law Daniel Marvin and Kenneth Carlisle.
A Celebration of Life memorial service for Donna is planned for later this spring in Ithaca, NY. Donations in memory of Donna may be made to the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology or the Public Radio & TV station of your choosing."
We were as different (in many ways) from one another as anyone might imagine and yet, God help us, we loved one another!"

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring 2016 Newsletter

Metropolitan FMCA Newsletter
March 2016
41st Anniversary Year

President’s Message

Presidents Message 2016
      Hello fellow RV Members,

     As spring approaches we are excited for the upcoming 2016 calendar of events. As we all recover from the long winter, there is much anticipation in visiting all our RV friends. Our first rally for the season will be hosted by Carol and myself, which will be located at Croton Point Park in upcoming May. One of the exhilarating events we have planned is, the FMCA national rally this year taking place in the North East region of the US and held in Massachusetts. This year we will be celebrating a 94threunion for the FMCA.

       To make all these events successful, we ask if anyone would be able to volunteer their time to host the upcoming rallies.  Mal Ford, is our current Wagon Master and is requesting ideas and suggestions for places to hold future Chapter FMCA Rallies, to create a successful and pleasurable season.  Any amount of time you may be willing to volunteer is truly valuable and extremely appreciated. 
          As a four term president Of the Metropolitan Chapter of the FMCA, I have had a wonderful time meeting all other members while sharing good time during enjoyable events. As much as I enjoyed my presidency this will be my last year as the president of the Metropolitan club. 
Thank you to all who assisted to creating a great eight years.
 Roger Whitford

Vice President’s and Wagonmaster’s Message:

Hi fellow Metro Members.  It’s our 41st year as an FMCA Chapter!  Let’s celebrate and get together for our May Campout in Croton Point Park.  Roger and Carol have planned a fantastic campout for us to enjoy together.  So, please make an effort to come out and welcome Spring in Croton, NY!  A campout flyer is enclosed with this newsletter.

Remember that Metro Dues are still only $10.00 for the year.  We will be collecting dues at the May and June Rallies.  If you won’t be able to attend, send you dues in by mail.  A Chapter Application is enclosed for your mail in renewals
I have been trying to put together some interesting places for us to go, but as our President, Roger had stated, we need your help to suggest places and to assist in Hosting the campouts.  Our membership numbers are dwindling, so those of us, who still camp, need to step up and assist with campouts and step up as Chapter Officers.

As Roger stated, this year we are having an FMCA National Rally in our backyard (relatively speaking) in East Springfield, MA.  I have scheduled this as our August Rally and it would really be great to have a full turnout from Metro.  It would also be great if I could ask for Volunteers to help with Transportation at the Rally.  I am the Transportation Captain, so if you can volunteer a few hours, let me know and I’ll add you to our group.

Also, as Roger stated, this is his eighth year as our President.  I think we need to show him a really BIG Thank You from all of us for his leadership and guidance over these years! 

We also need to think of a replacement for him.  In addition, I am currently President of another FMCA Chapter and next year, Elsie and I plan on doing some traveling, so I must also step down from my Metro duties as Vice President and Wagonmaster after the 2016 season.  So we will need to vote to replace those roles for 2017.

Mal Ford

Mo’s Musings:

Hello from Mo

Mo Magliocchino

We just got home from two and a half months in Florida. This year George and Marisa Hicks joined us and we all had a very pleasant trip. Introduced them to some of our favorite places and we explored some new locations also. We really had great weather the majority of the time, which makes a vacation truly great and having friends traveling with us makes us feel a little more secure. Of course, we both had issues with our motor homes, my alternator stopped alternating, and George’s awning decided to go out in Virginia.

Kind of pricy this year however, which I attribute to cheaper gas prices which inspired every motor home in the north to head south. Once campgrounds get busy, sites get scarce, and prices go up. $$$

Now add to this the fact that my wife suddenly forgot how to cook, which leads to eating out more often. Are you getting the picture? $$$

And then we have all the quaint little shops that sell cute little things that we don’t need, or will ever use after they end up in the motor home. $$$

And then of course, the other driver of our car, decided to give our neighbors car a little kiss on its rear end! $$$

It’s Interesting to study life styles in different parts of the country. The pace is definitely slower in Florida. Perhaps we could take a few lessons from the locals and slow down and smell the roses.

One interesting observation about Florida is the condition of their roads and bridges. No pot holes smooth, well kept and maintained. It seems that they resurface roads long before they really need it, unlike NY who waits until there is a collection of hub caps around each pot hole before the spirit moves them to do something. Of course the absence of frost in the ground makes a big difference between our road conditions and theirs.

One last comment, our president and his wife, Roger and Carol will be stepping down this year. I would personally like to thank them for all they have done for our club. Also Mal and Elsie Ford will be stepping down. Four great people who have kept the club together for the past 6 years or so. Thank you again.

The down side to their leaving, is that we are now trying to sail a ship with no captain or crew unless some of you other members step up to the plate and take over. It would be a sad day when Metropolitan is left drifting without a rudder.

Our first rally will be Croton from May 20-22. We hope to see as many of you there as we used to in the good old days.  Mo

2015 Campout Schedule:

 May  20th – 22nd  Croton Point Campground 

June  10th – 12th           Brook n Wood

July 1st – 9th                  Cape Cod
Joint Rally with the Cape Codders
Must be a Cape Codders Member

Aug 3rd – 6th                  FMCA National Rally
                                                            East Springfield, MA

Sept 9th-11th             Rondout Valley Resort
                                                            Catskills, Accord, NY
                                                            Possible Joint Campout with another FMCA Chapter

Oct 7th -9th                    ????
                                                            Suggestions Please

2014 Chapter Officers

President - Roger Whitford, 17181 Minos Conaway Rd.,Lewes, DE 19958, Cell 917-886-4756 Delaware Home 302-703-6091

1st Vice President – Mal Ford, 150 Arrow Wood Place, Malta, NY 12020,, 914-924-7295

Secretary - Ted DiGilio, 107 Drisler Ave., White Plains, NY 10607,,  914-592-3859

Treasurer - Elaine DiGilio, 107 Drisler Ave., White Plains, NY 10607,

Wagonmaster – Mal Ford, 150 Arrow Wood Place, Malta, NY 12020,, 914-924-7295

National Director Bill Colbert 2993 Lexington Ave., Lake Mohegan, NY 10547  914-528-6148

Newsletter Editor –  Mal Ford, 150 Arrow Wood Place, Malta, NY 12020,, 914-924-7295

Sunshine Chairman - Carolann Brown, 212 Collabar Rd., Montgomery, NY 12549  845-361-4464

*If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the above. This is your chapter and we encourage you to communicate your wishes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spring Time in Croton Once Again

Hi Everybody.  While we are preparing the newsletter, we didn't want you to have to wait for our first campout info for 2016.

Metropolitan Chapter FMCA Rally
Croton Point Park
Croton-Harmon, NY
Friday May 20th – Sunday, May 22, 2016
Rally hosted by Roger and Carol Whitford

Full Hook-ups
Electric, Water and Sewer provided
$130.00 per coach
Croton Point Campground

Friday night 6:00 PM... Pizza night....Cheeses and Wine

Saturday Morning     9:00 AM Coffee and Bagels
                                      10:00 AM Chapter Meeting

Saturday Afternoon 1:00 PM Games and Socialization
                                      4:00 PM Happy Hour(s) Wine & Cheese. Bring a snack to share

Saturday night –       6:00 PM … Pot Luck Dinner.  Please email with what you would like to                                                                     bring

Sunday Morning       9:00 AM Coffee and Bagels and good byes

RSVP... BY April 29, 2016...
Please make checks payable to Metropolitan FMCA
and mail to:

Roger Whitford
17181 Minos Conaway Road
Lewes, DE 19958

Metropolitan Chapter FMCA Rally
Spring in Croton

Campground & Rally charge:              
   Camping  $130.00 ……………………………         $_______________
Total Enclosed:                                                                                                                  $________________

NAME:  _____________________________________   FMCA#_________________________
ADDRESS:  ___________________________________________________________________
PHONE:  __________________________# OF ADULTS_____________CHILDREN__________

RSVP... BY April 29, 2016...
Please make checks payable to Metropolitan FMCA
and mail to:

Roger Whitford
17181 Minos Conaway Road

Lewes, DE 19958

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

FMCA President's Message

January 14, 2016

Dear Governing Board Members,

Gloria and I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Biannual elections are being conducted for the National Vice President position in the Eastern, Great Lakes, International, Northwest, and Western areas. Successful candidates will serve on the Executive Board for a two-year term, and take office during the Annual Membership Meeting in West Springfield, Massachusetts, in August. A nomination form and details explaining the election process are included in this mailing for those in these areas.
Enclosed is a registration form for FMCA’s 93rd Family Reunion & Motorhome Showcase, which will be held March 17 through 20, 2016, at the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter in Perry, Georgia. Don’t miss out on an opportunity for fun and fellowship! Be sure to take advantage of the chance to enhance your family reunion experience by volunteering. Please contact Maxine Schremp, Volunteer Coordinator, at to get scheduled.

FMCA’s International Area Rally will be held April 15-19, 2016, in Tallahassee, Florida. The dates and locations of these and other FMCA events are available in FMC magazine and on

Also enclosed is a flier with information regarding Staples FMCA Supply Program, as well as an FMCAssist Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Program FAQ sheet. Additional details regarding these and other benefits can be found online under the Member Benefits tab on Please share the news with your fellow FMCA members and also other motorhome owners you meet in your travels.

This mailing, as well as previous Governing Board mailings, can be found on the Governance website,

Safe travels to all. Remember, "It’s all about having fun!"

Charlie Adcock, F311374

National President